Investing in trees is a safe
and growing investment

What`s in it for you

Planet-A-mor’s green investment plan is a great way to invest your money in an ethical and sustainable way. Grow your money a minimum of 4X using Planet-A-mor’s sustainable finance strategy.

Invest in trees and get paid through raw timber and Carbon Credits. For security and transparency purposes, your trees will all be geolocated and monitored.

The ROI starts after 6 years when the first trees start to mature and continues to pay back in the following 7-8-10-12 up till 25 years.

Example: buy 1 hectare of trees $29,000 total ROI including Carbon credit = $114,500.
Low-risk, eco-friendly investments and ROI strategies tailored to your needs.


Plans that run from 10 to 25 years, possibly longer.

Agroforestry is a profitable way to engage with new business horizons. Investors will infuse modernity into their portfolios.

Your impact and storytelling can be measured using Planet-A-mor’s 5 KPI of Support:

  • Biodiversity, you will make positive and profound impacts to critical ecosystems.

  • Social impact (empowerment of women) you create jobs and feed indigenous people of the Amazon.

  • Animal protection you help to protect and provide habitat for endangered animals.

  • Carbon capture, you help the planet and future generations by sequestering CO2.

  • Nature preservation. Some of your trees will even be part of Planet-a-mor’s conservation program.

Risk to investors is minimal, as noted by Planet-a-mor’s risk assessment.

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